For a long time, I have been feeling that it is time to leave the comfort zone again.
We live this life mostly on autopilot, fooling ourselves that what we do is what needs to be done.
Work, home, food, sleep...
We look around, unhappy.
All we see are copies of ourselves drowning in their misery, all feeding the system we hate, system we are slaves to.
But what can we do?
It always been this way.
That's how the World is.
That is life.
Is it?
Does it have to be this way?
Is life only about paying the bills?
Is life only about having more and better?
What about connection?
What about Nature?
What about friendship, helping each other, growing together, love, service, laugh and play.
What about living, truly living life?
Last year in November I've attended the PDC (Permaculture Design Course).
It was an amazing life changing experience.
I've met the most wonderous people, amazing beings that all want something better for the World around them and themselves.
During the course I've made a decision to leave my job, get on my push bike and ride the UK lanscapes.
Straight after the course upon my come back to work, I have handed my notice in (3 months notice period).
I decided to let the Life take me where I need to go.
My last day of work is March 2nd 2017.
I intend to set off on the 3rd or 4th.
I do not have plans but intentions.
I intend to learn and grow.
I intend to help people along the way.
I intend to meet communities that live in a different way.
I intend to document the journey and maybe produce a documentary showing all the people I meet, projects I'll visit, events I'll attend, ways of Life with Nature, the "other way of living" Life.
I intend to have fun.
I really don't know.
I don't need to know.
I'll let it unfold before me.
I'll let the Universe use me as the instrument of Betterment and Good Making... :P
So yes, I have some intentions.
One of them is to also blog about the journey here.
Yet I'm not attached to any of these intentions.
I wanted to write about the journey once. in 2014 and I didn't.
So no promises made this time. :)