Not that many years ago, the world was much different.
There were no bananas in shops (at least where I was born).
Strawberries were eaten in July, we didn't have them all year round.They were smaller than they are these days but they still had the sweet smell and taste of beautiful Summer. Sweet, refreshing with fullness of flavour.
It was an experience...
It was special...
You could find pears and plums growing on the trees by the side of the roads.
It was a time of no chemical pesticides.
You could just eat straight off the tree.
That's how it was back then. Isn't it like it should be?
It was an experience...
It was special...
You could find magnificent, old Cherry trees, full of beautiful flowers in May.
You knew that soon, Nature will share with you these amazingly tasting fruit.
It was an experience...
It was special...
We've waited for apples till their time to ripen.
We didn't have supermarkets, therefore we didn't have all kinds of apples from France, New Zealand or all year round like we have now.
Apples tasted much better then.
It was an experience...
It was special...
We've baked our own bread.
Bread a butter was enough to put a smile on ones face.
Lard was still a good and healthy fat.
We drank fresh and tasty water.
It was an experience...
It was special...
We still had real milk.
Not pasteurized, not chlorinated, fresh and fatty.
We prepared our own food.
We ate everything and very happy and healthy.
It was an experience...
It was special...
There were chickens but there were no cages.
Chickens were running free and happy.
They were still part of our lives.
Eggs were healthy and valued.
It was an experience...
It was special...
The rivers and lakes were clean and full of fish.
We catched fish, cooked it in Nature.
Fat was dripping from our elbows.
It was an experience...
It was special...
The air was fresh and clean.
We still admired the beauty of clear and beautiful skies.
We still noticed the stars of the amazing night sky.
We gazed and we pondered...
We were still gazing into each other's eyes at that time.
There was no shame.
We were honest and open.
We were standing together, living together.
We've felt like we've been part of Nature, like we've belonged.
It was an experience...
It was special...
We've worked hard...
We were free...
Until we've started cutting corners...
We've moved away from it all.
Lost the gratitude and appreciation.
Gave it all up...
We've traded it for fast and cheap, artificial and delivered.
Are there any corners left to cut?