I've watched the great show today where a truly remarkable man, Max was talking about an idea of "Us The People" buying out the Rainforest in the Amazon.
I think this is outstanding idea. We could actually do this. Bit by bit, not the whole Rainforest at once but we could actually do this together. We could then make the Indigenous people that live there a custodians of the land so nobody can move them out of there.
We could stop big corporations from raking the forest in the name of drilling for oil, planting soya or grains for cattle or whatever unwise idea they would have. We watched what our governments allow the corporations to do with us and our environment for far too long.
It's about time we do something about it.
We can't expect that our governments will suddenly change their ways or think that it is their responsibility to act. They do act but not in our best interest.
If you don't know Max Igan, he's a great man living he's truth in Australia. He's got a weekly show on The American Voice Radio where he touches the subjects that should concern most if not all of the people. He's been sharing his wisdom for more than 6 years now, making videos and shows that you can watch on YouTube.
Max also has a website The Crow House, where he shares his art and where you can find a lot of very useful information on the very important topics.
If you like the idea of buying out the Rainforest or any other ideas Max shares with the people then you can donate to he's In Lak'ech Foundation. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with Max's work.
Thank you